Saturday, January 28, 2017

Thermodynamics: Solution Property based Problems

1. A binary mixture containing species 1 and 2 forms an azeotrope at 105.4°C and 1.013 bar. The liquid phase mole fraction of component 1 of this azeotrope is 0.62. At this temperature, the pure component vapour pressure for species 1 and 2 are 0.878 bar and 0.665 bar respectively. Assume that the vapour phase is an ideal gas mixture. Find the activity coefficients in a solution containing 40% of species1.      
2.      At 25°C and atmospheric pressure the volume change of mixing of binary liquid mixtures of species 1 and 2 is given by the equation:
∆V=  x1x2(45x1 +25x2 )

Where ∆V is in cm3/mol, at these conditions V1=110 and V2= 90 cm3/mol. Determine the partial molar volumes  in a mixture containing 40 mol% of species 1 at given conditions.                       
3. The partial pressure (approximate) of alcohol in alcohol water system behaviour can be represented in the figure below. The figure is divided in three sections. Select the suitable equation from Raoutlt's Law, Modified Raoult's Law and Henry Law for partial pressure applicable in these regions.
4. Fugacity coefficient of species (i ) in solution and activity coefficient of species (i) in solution


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